Thursday, December 6, 2012

put on love.

do not let the sun go down on your anger / but, instead / forgive.
and above all other things / put on love.

above having your own agenda fulfilled / or your getting your own way
above all other things / put on love.

Friday, March 23, 2012


what is my why?
i'll turn that around,
and say "why not?"

put a mountain in front of me
put a roadblock up,
give me a wall -
i'll climb it.
that's my 'why not'.

if you say,
"you can't do that.",
i'm glad you said it
because that's exactly what i'll do.

"that's impossible".
oh, really...
watch me turn it into
being possible.

"that's illogical."
no such thing.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


She's really a beauty,
Inside and out.
And vice versa.
And then some.

Great face.
Great figure.
Wonderful personality.
Charming to converse with.
Dangerous to compete with.

She wins (most) of the arguments.
She wills you with her sheer dynamo.
She asks me some of the most unanswerable questions I've ever heard.
She sees through the baloney,
And there's plenty of it,
From whomever it might come - even if it's me.

It's uncanny.
She is uncanny.
She is the complete package.
She is my everything.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

climb ev'ry mountain.

you're going to find mountains in your life every single day... every moment of every day. it seems that all my life i've been told, 'you can't do this' or 'you can't do that'. at 21, i felt like a has been. i felt like i had accomplished everything i was meant to, and i was riding at this lowered plateau for eternity. i was a has-been.

it was somewhere in that period of time where i looked up at the mountains in my life, standing at that plateau - incredibly scared of moving. it was sometime recently that i said to myself - 'watch me climb these mountains, because i know what is at the top.' i know what's at the summit of the mountain. and i believe it. you have to believe in yourself. if you believe that you can, then you will.

Monday, February 6, 2012


take love
add a little laughter,
til you see her pretty smile.

take the rain,
turn it into sunshine,
til you feel a little better inside.

take some time
and find the way,
til you feel at home together.

put it all together,
til it feels all too familiar
and that's my girl.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

untitled 9

i don't remember
what we talk about sometimes.

because, sometimes,
i just fall in love
with the sound of your voice.

and, all the time,
i'm in love
with the sound of you
in love with me.

Monday, January 30, 2012

breeze on by.

now i've got the sunshine everyday
no more clouds are in our way.
so easy, like an angel above from the sky,
you come into my life and you just breeze on by.